This bibliography lists research pertaining to animal personality or temperament. The research ranges from “central” studies that focus on a broad range of behaviors that are consistent over time and across situations to “peripheral” studies that focus on specific behaviors, measured in highly circumscribed situations. Studies also vary in (1) the role played by personality in the research (ranging from studies with personality as their primary focus to those that merely touch on personality-related issues); (2) the species studied (ranging from butterflies to chimpanzees); and (3) the methodological rigor (ranging from large-scale empirical studies to those that are comprised of little more than a few casual observations).
Reviews of the field can be found in Gosling (2001, 2008), Gosling & John (1999), and Weinstein, Capitanio, & Gosling (2008). For a review of the dog literature see Jones & Gosling (2005) and Fratkin, Sinn, Patall, & Gosling (2013). For a review of the non-human primate literature, see Freeman & Gosling (2010). For a review of the dog-cognition literature, see Bensky, Gosling, & Sinn (2013).
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Aguilar, R., Gil, L., Flint, J., Gray, J. A., Dawson, G. R., Driscoll, P., Giménez-Llort, L., Escorihuela, R. M., Fernández-Teruel, A., & Tobeña, A. (2002). Learned fear, emotional reactivity and fear of heights: A factor analytic map from a large F2 intercross of Roman rat strains. Brain Research Bulletin, 57, 17-26.
Aguilar, R., Gil, L., Gray, J. A., Driscoll, P., Flint, J., Dawson, G. R., Giménez-Llort, L., Escorihuela, R. M., Fernández-Teruel, A., & Tobeña, A. (2003). Fearfulness and sex in F2 Roman rats: Males display more fear though both sexes share the same fearfulness traits. Physiology and Behavior, 6909, 1-10.
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